Eat Healthy While Traveling | A How-To Guide to Clean Eating on the Road

Committing to a clean eating lifestyle can be challenging in and of itself. Factor in any travel plans that might derail our normal daily routine and we are quick to throw in the towel. It doesn’t have to be this way. Whether you travel for business, take frequent road trips or are flying to a new vacation destination, with a little preparation and creativity we will show you how to maintain healthy eating habits while traveling with a how-to guide to clean eating on the road.

Some of you may be thinking, “Geez, those relaxing summer vacation months seem to be a thousand miles behind us.” But it’s hard to fathom that, holy cow, we are almost into November and the holiday season is right around the corner. With the holidays upon us, unhealthy eating temptations are everywhere we turn (more on this in our blog post next month!). It all begins the moment we begin that cross-country road trip to make it home for the holidays or that flight to Mexico to get us into the sun and away from the cold. Maybe you are just road tripping up to the mountains every weekend because, duh, ski season! Eat healthy while traveling -airport

No matter what your travel plans look like, there are ways to combat unhealthy eating habits but it’s going to take some planning, effort and discipline on your part! Think about it. You wouldn’t just get into your car and take a road trip without knowing your destination or directions to get there, would you? Similarly, if you want to remain dedicated to clean eating, figuring out ahead of time what you’ll eat during your journey is just as important.

Without a plan in place when we travel, we often go right for the bad stuff. Why? For one, airports are notorious for luring in travelers with their endless options of fast food, unhealthy pre-packaged meals, and  Starbucks coffee seemingly everywhere you look. On road trips, we’ve been in the car for hours and we are often so hungry and ill-prepared that those fast food signs we pass are just calling our name. Stay committed to your healthy diet while on the road and, trust us, you will look good, feel better and be all-around happier.

***Side note: If you are strictly traveling for vacation, we strongly encourage you to indulge in a good meal or decadent treat here and there. If you deprive yourself of these things altogether, you are more likely to end up giving in and perhaps even going on a binge. Just use the concept of moderation and know that “cheat days” are essential to progress and to avoiding burnout.

Below are my tips for keeping your travel plans filled with clean and healthy eating. It will get easier the more you implement it.


General Tips for Any Kind of Travel:

Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail….

Stay hydrated water

Probably the most important tip of all and one that I can not stress enough: plan in advance. How you plan will depend on various factors such as where you are going to be, how long you will be there, how you are getting there, etc. Anticipate the environment you are going to be in and bring what you need so you’re not stuck without any healthy options. Also, Google what will be available to you once you get to your destination (such as local health food stores) so that if you can not bring all of your food, you can prepare and plan out what you will need to purchase once you arrive.

Stay hydrated…

It is easy to forget to drink water when your normal routine gets disrupted and it is quite common to feel symptoms of mild dehydration when traveling, especially by air. Bring an empty water bottle with you to fill up after getting through security and to use throughout your trip. I always remember to bring water on the plane with me and in the off chance that I forget, I buy one after I get near my gate. On road trips we will bring one larger water cooler to fill up our individual water bottles to avoid stopping as often and to avoid having to buy a new water bottle each time we stop.

Continue with your Regular Workout Routine…

If you have the ability to do so, continue to workout as you normally would. This is especially important if you travel often for business because this needs to become a habit, even when you are out of town. Use the hotel’s gym or if weather permits, go for a run outside or do a bodyweight workout (see our post on bodyweight workout benefits and suggested exercises). If you are traveling for leisure, there are plenty of ways to exercise while having fun! Try renting a bike, kayak or stand up paddle board, check out new hiking trails, explore new cities by foot and keep yourself moving when possible.


When Traveling by Air:

Packing Smart Healthy Food Staples and Snacks…

Due to security regulations, flying takes away some of the flexibility in your packing options. Most solid foods are allowed through security, but if you’re packing liquids or sauces make sure you get travel sizes under 3.4 ounces. Bring items that do not need to be refrigerated (see suggested foods below) and that can be packed away in your checked luggage. Bringing healthy foods with might take a little extra thought and will depend on how much extra room you have in your luggage.


When Traveling On the Road:

On the road | eating healthy

Road travel has been increasing in popularity for a while now, even outpacing air travel in the last five years. Thanks to lower gas prices and picture-worthy social media posts for bringing to light the concept of “authentic” (and affordable) adventures, road travel has definitely spiked. Since you don’t have to worry about any security restrictions and likely have some more space to work with, this is a great opportunity to plan you meals and bring the healthy foods that you need.

Pack a Cooler…

Bringing a cooler will allow you to stock up for your road trip! This will give you the option to pre-cook your protein/meats seal them up in a Ziploc and stash them on ice in the cooler. You can also pack yogurts, protein balls, fresh fruit and anything else that may need to be on ice.

Keep Cooler or Snack Bag Close at Hand…

Some people may disagree with this because they think it will encourage mindless snacking but, hear me out. One thing I have experienced is that if I allow myself to become too hungry on a roadtrip, I’m quick to make a poor food choice once I see the first sign of fast food. When desperation sets in and food options are limited to fast food, it’s a challenge not to cave in when you add hunger to the mix. Just make sure that when you are “snacking” or curbing your hunger pangs, you are doing it with nutrient-rich snacks.


Once You Reach Your Destination:

Consider where you will stay beforehand…

Sometimes it makes more sense to book an Airbnb over a hotel because (aside from the fact that you will probably get a better deal) it will usually give you access to a kitchen and offer staple items such as salt/pepper/spices/oils (or anything left behind or offered to you to be used). If you need to stay in a hotel, make sure to book one with or request a microwave and refrigerator. This way you can purchase healthy perishable items and keep them fresh and heat up items, as needed. Simply put, it gives you many more options when it comes to food choice.

Guide to Clean Eating on the Road | Salad

Scope out what is nearby…

Figure out if there is a local health foods store, market or good grocery store nearby and pick up some local produce. If you have a fridge where you are staying, you can purchase perishable items. Pick up some pre-cooked chicken, salmon or tofu and add it to some leafy greens. Dress with lemon and a little olive oil. Store any un-used items and leftovers in the fridge.

If you are staying in a hotel…

Especially if you do not have a fridge, you should be able to order a la carte items off of the hotel menu. Some great options include salads (hold the dressing), egg white veggie omelet, berries/fruit cup or plain grilled chicken breast.


Food For Thought

 Here are some ideas of healthy and easily packable snacks…

  • Marcona almonds or other raw or dry-roasted nuts
  • Tuna packets
  • Avocados
  • Fruits; i.e. bananas, apples, grapes, etc.
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Almond butter packets (Quick, portable and pre-measured )Clean Eating on the Road | Fresh Fruit
  • Dry oats (pre-portioned in plastic baggies)
  • Protein bars
  • Beef or turkey jerky
  • Fresh vegetables’ i.e. baby carrots or mini bell peppers
  • Protein powder (bring enough for 1-2 servings a day and don’t forget a measuring scoop)

*** If you are feeling overly ambitious, or if you travel often enough, consider bringing an individual-sized blender in order to be able to start your day with a nutrient dense smoothie.

So there you have it! Proof that clean, healthy eating is entirely possible while on the road and out of town! Now, remember not to be too hard on yourself. It’s all about balance and the aim to eat healthy at least 80% of the time. When you are out of your typical daily routine, there will be times when things are simply out of your control, so you must be able to adapt accordingly. Just know you have lots of options and try to stay as well-prepared as possible!

5 Bedtime Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight

Do you feel like you are on a mission to lose weight but simply aren’t seeing the results? If you feel that you are successfully implementing a solid exercise routine coupled with a healthy diet and still aren’t seeing a change, maybe you are falling short in areas that you didn’t even realize were affecting your weight. For example, have you taken into consideration your sleep routine? Further, if your typical bedtime habits include any of the following, you may need to reconsider these unhealthy tendencies (and start implementing bedtime habits that can help you lose weight)….5 Bedtime Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight

  • Eating late dinners
  • Snacking on junk food or binging on ice cream before bed (I am way too familiar with this and trust me, the struggle is real!)
  • Drinking caffeine in the evenings
  • Falling asleep with the television or lights on

If any of the above sound familiar, you may want to consider changing up these various and seemingly random habits. By being mindful of the habits you are doing prior to bedtime and shifting your focus to getting a good night’s sleep, you may begin to see a difference.

Are you doing the most obvious things correctly in an effort to lose weight (such as regular workouts and maintaining a healthy diet), but still feel like you aren’t seeing a positive outcome? Perhaps you need to look at the smaller things you hadn’t considered that might be having a negative impact on results. Maybe these particular things never even crossed your mind as being related to weight gain or loss; except for the ice cream indulgence… you were pretty sure wasn’t going to help you in the losing weight department! But it was so worth it! Let’s dive in and break down how important it is to get a good night of sleep and in return, increasing your chance of losing weight for good. We will also take a look at changing just a few items leading up to your bedtime that will further aid in weight loss.

The aforementioned habits are a few areas that may be contributing to weight gain. Not to worry; these insider secrets on how to make small alterations to your evening pattern will give you weight loss results that you didn’t think were possible. The best part? There is a lot that is happening while you are asleep. If you can be disciplined enough to make a few habit changes, you’ll be well on your way to getting healthier and losing weight while you are snoring the night away!

It is important to note up front that if you want to lose weight, without a caloric deficit, you will never lose fat. Therefore, your metabolism needs to burn more calories than you consume every day. There are plenty of things that can help you in this area, such as eating specific food and small frequent meals throughout the day, having a disciplined exercise routine, etc. We will save that for another discussion. Let’s start with making some simple changes to our nightly routine and go from there!

5 Bedtime Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight

  1. Get a good night of sleep

    bedtime habits that aid weight loss

Leading off with the biggie! It is no secret that there is substantial science linking sleep and weight loss and that sleep patterns specifically impact weight. On average, the less people sleep, the more they weigh and the more likely they are to gain. University of Michigan researcher Michael Sivak found that replacing one hour of inactive wakefulness—such as watching television—with sleep can result in a 6 percent reduction in caloric intake.

Reasons for this are mostly biological and include:

– Insufficient sleep affecting the hunger hormones, ghrelin (which is produced in larger doses with less sleep and signals appetite and the need to eat) and leptin (which drops as you get less sleep and cues the brain to stop eating).

– Sleep impacts metabolism, plain and simple. Harvard Women’s Health Watch found that chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by changing the way the body processes and stores carbohydrates and altars hormone levels. Studies have shown that fat cells need sleep to function properly. Another study from the University of Chicago discovered that not getting enough sleep reduced one’s ability to respond to insulin (a hormone that regulates metabolism and energy).

While these are two very significant reasons as to how sleep impacts weight loss, we are barely scratching the surface as just how important sleep is in connection to staying healthy and keeping fit.

  1. Sleep in Complete Darkness

Piggybacking off of the above importance of sleep, no food or supplement can simulate the far-reaching health benefits of a good night of sleep. That being said, certain supplements support lifestyle changes and promote more consistent sleep throughout the night. One such supplement is melatonin, a natural hormone.

Melatonin helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm or sleep/wake cycle. At night, the brain produces melatonin to help trigger sleep. The production of melatonin varies in part to light exposure. Your body creates more melatonin when it is in total darkness. Studies have shown that women who sleep in dark rooms are less likely to be overweight when compared to those who sleep in rooms with the lights on.

Some things you can try in order to achieve more darkness are making sure to turn off the tv or nearby electronics, ditch the night light, or getting some dark colored or blackout curtains to put over the windows. You can also use a sleep mask, which will also help to block out as much light as possible.

Furthermore, scientific analysis shows promising treatment results for melatonin in a variety of sleep disorders. Taking a melatonin supplement is also an option. For most, melatonin supplements are safe in low doses for both short-term and long-term use. As with any supplement suggestion, we are not doctors so we recommend you consult with your doctor before start on anything new.

  1. Be Mindful of What you Eat for Dinner

While there is a common misconception that eating right before bed will lead to weight gain, it is rather what you eat before bed that will have a negative impact. Because dinner is typically a substantial meal, it also means it tends to be heavier, higher in calories or larger portions consumed. Going to bed immediately after a big meal can interrupt sleep as well. This is because it can lead to bloating which can keep you from falling asleep or it can cause digestive upsets that might wake you up later during the night. Also consider what you are eating since spicy and fatty foods can trigger heartburn, another sleep disrupter. Give yourself some time to digest your meal. Always look out for low-calorie foods that are high in protein like fish, turkey or chicken. These are the type of foods you should be eating instead of fast foods.

  1. Limit your Evening Snacking

While we said above that you shouldn’t eat a large dinner right before going to bed, you also do not want to starve yourself before bedtime. For example, if you tend to stay up late and end up going to bed five hours after dinner, you may want to have a small healthy snack between dinner and before bed. This will tide you over until morning and prevent hunger pangs in the middle of the night. Your snack should be small, no more than 150 to 200 calories. It is important to note that certain foods can heighten relaxation so try to go for this kind of snack. Foods that promote relaxation contain carbohydrates and protein, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Some foods naturally contain tryptophan, such as dairy, which can also help.

Nutritious snack examples include:

  • Tablespoon Of Almond Butter On A Slice Of Whole Wheat Toast
  • Piece Of Fruit + Tablespoon Of Peanut Butter
  • Half-Cup Of Rice
  • Half Ounce Of Nuts + 1/4 Cup Of Dried Fruit
  • Half Cup Of Cereal With Milk
  • A Few Whole Grain Crackers With Cheese
  1. Drink Warm Milk or Tea Before You Go to Sleep and Avoid Caffeine

    Drinking Milk Before Bed Helps Lose Weight

Researchers from the Sleep Disorders & Research Center at Henry Ford Hospital and Wayne State College of Medicine performed a stufy to analyze how caffeine disrupts sleep when consumed at different points in time during the day. Even caffeine consumed 6 hours before going to bed affected sleep amounts by over an hour. Therefore, research suggests limiting caffeine to the morning and early afternoon hours at the latest. In the evening, you should avoid foods that you may not be aware of containing caffeine, such as chocolate and even some decaffeinated teas (which can still affect those who are sensitive to caffeine).

Drinking Milk is also great in its ability to aid in weight loss while you sleep. The reasoning behind this is threefold.

  1. Milk contains a type of protein called casein which helps to build and sustain lean muscle.
  2. Milk will help to boost your metabolism which means you will end up burning more calories every single day without changing up any other aspects of your life.
  3. Drinking milk before bedtime will help to keep you full until it’s time for breakfast in the morning.

We have given you some of the best bedtime habits to help you lose weight, now it is up to you to take action and start seeing results for yourself.  If you implement these tips you will be on your way toward achieving the ideal body weight you’ve always wanted. Do not get frustrated if you aren’t seeing results right away! Enjoy the ride and don’t be so hard on yourself! Now, get snoozin’!

*** Be sure to check out the newest Pogamat yoga mat for the MOST comfortable and supportive option when it comes to a workout mat. Good grip, lots of cushion… take your workout anywhere!

Bodyweight Workout Benefits, Best Practices and How-Tos

While being disciplined enough or simply having the luxury to get yourself to the gym every day would be ideal, the odds of not missing a single gym day is very low. Perhaps you’re juggling a busy work load, a full school schedule, trying to care for your family or you simply do not have the money, time or location close enough to get to a gym! Maybe it’s not a matter of not having access but rather that you prefer to work out alone or in the comfort of your own home. Suppose you specialize in a sport that is cardio based (i.e. running or swimming) and are looking to add a workout that will supplement your cardio training. Whatever your situation, think about how often you’ve heard people (or yourself) say that they can’t work out because they don’t have the time or money to take advantage of a gym or they don’t have the equipment or resources in their home? Guess what?! With bodyweight workouts, there’s no more room for excuses! We will show you the bodyweight workout benefits, best practices and how-tos!

What is a Bodyweight Workout?

You can get a full-body workout without the need for any equipment (aside from maybe a cardio mat) strictly by doing bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises use only your own body’s weight for resistance through a combination of squats, lunges, push-ups, and other moves, all of which provide a great workout in a small amount of space. Bodyweight exercises are a type of strength training that do not require any kind of free weights or machines because the individual’s own weight provides resistance against gravity.

According to wikipedia , this type of strength training has grown in popularity for both recreational and professional athletes, with a range of sports disciplines using bodyweight resistance training as part of their fitness programs. Bodyweight training utilizes simple movements such as pushing, pulling, squatting, bending, twisting and balancing. Drills such as the push-up, the pull-up, and the sit-up are some of the most common bodyweight exercises. One might consider trying bodyweight exercises for an accessible and effective workout. As an added bonus, you can use different bodyweight exercises to create a thorough circuit that can be done in as little as 20 minutes.

Check out the perfect complement to the bodyweight workout: Pogamat’s XL Cardio Mat

Benefits of a Bodyweight Workout

Adding bodyweight exercises to your program is a great way to break from your normal weight training routine. It has proven to be an effective way to build muscle and lose fat. It’s no wonder why no-equipment, bodyweight workouts are so popular. There are a variety of benefits that bodyweight workouts have to offer. They are easy to learn, require no equipment (thus they can be done free of charge), can be done just about anywhere (even in small spaces), are efficient in what you can accomplish in a little amount of time, can be modified to suit any ability level and there are a vast variety of exercises to choose from!

Bodyweight exercises enhance a range of biomotor abilities including strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, coordination and balance. Bodyweight training is a great way to give your joints time to de-stress because it helps rebuild muscle wear and tear that develops as we age. Studies show that building lean muscle mass is also great for your heart, blood vessels, lungs, hormone production and even brain activity, proving to be a great way to give your mind a different focus.

Tips to Getting the Most out of a Bodyweight Workout

– Bodyweight exercises or strength training should be done at least two to three times per week.
– To get the most out of your workout, each session should ideally be a full-body workout that targets multiple big muscle groups such as back, legs, chest and core.
– If you truly want to see your bodyweight workout pay off, you need to make your workouts just as difficult as it would be with weights. That means only giving yourself a 30-45 second break between sets. Challenge yourself!
– For each session, aim to perform 10 different exercises varying the muscles that each one targets for one set each, and about 8- 12 reps within each set.
– After finishing your workout, make sure to stretch or do yoga at least two to three days a week to prevent injuries and increase range of motion, flexibility and recovery time.

Bodyweight Workout Exercises:

Pushups and pull-ups are classic bodyweight moves, but there are plenty more to choose from, like squats, lunges, and planks, just to name a few. The following are a few bodyweight exercises to get you started and require no set-up time or equipment. No matter if you are at home, traveling, at the office or in the gym, give these moves a try! Pushups Pogamat Bodyweight WorkoutPush Up Exercise Pogamat Bodyweight Workout

Push-ups: strengthening a wide-range of muscles including your pectorals, deltoids, triceps, and abdominals, pushups are one of the most well-known bodyweight exercises

How to: Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Straighten your arms and legs out behind you, toes pointed toward the floor. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. Pause, then push yourself back up. Repeat for 8-12 reps.

Intensify: – Close the stance of your hand placement slightly.

Pogamat Bodyweight Workout SquatsBodyweight Squats: squats helps strengthen the large muscles of the lower body. They are a total staple when it comes to bodyweight exercises.

How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart with your feet turned out slightly to open the hip joint. Extend arms out straight in front of you (palms down). Slowly bend at the knees and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause, then return to standing position. Repeat for 8-12 reps.

Intensify: – From the squat position, jump up explosively from each squat. Allow your feet to lift off the floor or try single- leg squats by elevating one leg.

Planks: the plank is testament to how one of the simplest movements results in one of the greatest of fitness gains.

Pogamat Bodyweight Workout Plank Exercise

How to: Lie belly down with your forearms on the floor and elbows beneath shoulders. Feet should be flexed with toes on the floor. Rise up on your toes so that only your forearms and toes touch the floor. Your body should be a few inches off the floor in a straight line. Contract your abdominal muscles drawing your belly button to spine while tightening your buttocks and upper body. Breathe normally and hold for 30-60 seconds. Repeat as needed.

Intensify: – Side plank: lie on one side with your legs straight. Prop yourself up with your right forearm so your body forms a diagonal line and hold here 30-60 seconds.

-One-legged side plank (by doing side plank and lifting the non-supporting top leg just higher than your top hip).

Pogamat Bodyweight Workout Lunges

Lunges: a sure way to increase all areas of leg strength including inner thighs, hips, glutes, quads, calves, and hamstrings!

How to: Stand with your hands on your hips and feet hip-width apart. Step your right leg forward and slowly lower body until left (back) knee is close to or touching the floor. Keep knee bent at least 90 degrees. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Repeat for 8-12 reps on each leg.

Intensify: -Reverse lunges

– Curtsy lunges: step your left leg behind you to the right so your thighs cross.

Bend both knees as if you were curtsying.

Superman: this exercise teaches your body to

stabilize by challenging the muscles of the lower back, glutes, and core.

Pogamat Bodyweight Workout Superman

How to: Lie on your stomach with your toenails pressing into the floor and chin resting on the ground. Stretch your arms out in front of you as far as possible. Take a deep breath in and squeeze your abdominals, back muscles and glutes to lift your chest, arms, legs, and thighs off the floor. Draw your shoulders down and away from your ears. Hold here, then relax your body, returning to starting position. Repeat as needed.

This should give you a good start toward initiating a solid bodyweight workout. Good luck and have fun!


The Importance of Choosing a High Quality Yoga Mat

Picture this. You are in yoga class and the teacher guides you into a side plank pose known in Sanskrit as Vasisthasana. The class is heated and you feel the sweat pooling beneath your palm. Your supporting hand begins slipping and suddenly you feel your supporting foot beginning to slide off your yoga mat. Your back begins to arch so you try to compensate by rounding your spine to avoid further slipping. You have completely come out of proper alignment in this pose, putting yourself at risk for injury. Furthermore, your mind is now completely focused on how to keep yourself from slipping and falling. You are absolutely taken away from the mindfulness, steady breathing and the sense of calm you should be feeling. Can you relate?

I know I’ve been in this position before and in that moment, our first reaction isn’t to think, “Shoot, I should have gone with the high quality yoga mat.” Instead, we think to ourselves, “Wow, yoga is terrible. This is so uncomfortable… what did I get myself in to?!”  We automatically think that yoga is to blame and maybe it isn’t for you. We fail to consider that perhaps if we had the proper equipment (in this case, a non-slip, high-quality yoga mat), we might not be in this position. And if we weren’t in this position in the first place, we wouldn’t have this negative mindset that is completely the opposite of what we are trying to achieve!

As a yoga teacher, I often get asked the question, “Is there really a difference between various yoga mats and why the big price fluctuation?” I want to raise my hands and shout heck YES there is! Instead, I politely explain that yes, there is in fact a huge difference between a good yoga mat and mats that simply act as a placeholder for doing your workout without offering any other benefits. A low quality yoga mat can actually create a more accident-prone environment and lead to injury. For safety reasons alone, a good mat is a great investment. More than that, though, I like to educate my students on what the benefits are in choosing a good quality yoga mat. By exploring the importance of a good mat, it can positively impact your yoga practice and help you feel a difference in no time.

Before you start thinking I have a biased opinion, I will admit that when I first got really in to yoga, I was using a $15 yoga mat from TJ Maxx for a full year, doing yoga nearly 5 times a week! Guys, I am a bargain shopper through and through. I will price check before I buy anything and am always looking for the best deals. In fact, I even used this cheap mat throughout my yoga teacher training while everyone around me had high-quality products. That’s is how stubborn I am. You see, at that point I didn’t value a good quality yoga mat because I didn’t understand the benefits it would offer my body and overall well-being.

Hear me when I tell you, when it comes to products that significantly impact your health, safety and/or body, do not skimp. Looking back, I definitely wish I hadn’t for various reasons, but mainly because my mat was causing physical injury in my wrists and knees.

In light of Pogamat launching yet another amazing yoga mat product this summer (with lighter designs and more padding), let me explain why it is so important to invest in a quality yoga mat and what to look for when purchasing your first mat or replacing your old one!

Pogamat Durable Yoga Cardio Workout MatHow I Personally Realized the Importance of Investing in a Good Quality Mat

I really noticed the importance of a good yoga mat when I started teaching classes at an apartment complexes offering yoga to its tenants. I had many students who were trying yoga for the first time or hadn’t practiced in a while. The apartment’s gym facility offered small lightweight exercise mats so newbies or those who did not own a mat would often end up using these. When I would forget my own mat, I would grab one of these mats for demoing poses. When using these mats myself, I realized how difficult it made getting into and out of poses and holding poses.

For starters, they were much smaller than standard size mats. The ability to do a pose and have both feet on the mat posed a greater challenge. Secondly, they were so lightweight and flimsy that they would slide all over the place. I started to notice that I was using muscles in poses that I wouldn’t typically be using, just to stay in place. I began to realize that when I was distracted trying to keep my hands and feet in place, I couldn’t really focus on all the other components that go into one specific pose nor fully reap the benefits of that pose. It was then that I realized what a big difference a good mat made. I now preach to my students to invest in themselves by purchasing a quality yoga mat.

Common Complaints Found in Poor Quality Yoga Mats

  • Slippery surface even if you are not sweaty~ posing a danger if the mat slips out from under you or causes you to fall
  • Poor durability~ mat starts to fall apart after 6 months or sooner
  • Poor quality~ mat is stretchy and tears or rips in half during light use or in basic poses
  • Pieces of the mat begin to come off~ a cheap mat will begin to come apart when your hands or feet get damp and stick to material
  • Bad chemicals or formaldehyde-like odor~ does NOT dissipate over time
  • Too thick~ makes poses unstable and difficult, or can cause joint pain
  • Too much cushioning~ featuring the extra 1/2″ of cushion makes it harder to balance and ends up compressed and hard
  • Bad materials used~ PVC and other materials are bad to come in contact with, ingest and bad for the environment
  • Poor materials used~ causes squeaky noise throughout practice
  • Poor packaging- leaves a sticky residue or permanent dents in mat
  • No yoga strap included with mat

A Few Things to Consider Before Buying a Yoga Mat

I will begin by noting that yoga mats are not a one size fits all product. Everyone has different preferences and needs, therefore the yoga mat that is right for you may look different from the yoga mat that is right for your fellow yogis. Every yoga mat style and material caters to different needs and goals. Subtle design changes can either help or hurt your unique movement patterns and usual aches and pains in any pose.

Something that may never cross your mind when purchasing a yoga mat are the materials they are made of. Some mats contain chemicals found in the materials or in the production-making process. Cheap, generic mats are usually PVC mats with harmful chemicals like phthalates and other cancer-causing, bad-for-the-environment chemicals. You want to avoid these materials coming in contact with your skin or inhaling these chemicals as you practice.

***Pogamat prides itself on the eco-friendly, odorless products it offers, made of non-toxic synthetic materials (no latex, silicone, phthalates or toxins) and produced through eco-friendly manufacturing techniques.

Where you do yoga will also depend on the type of mat you use. Perhaps you have a mat that you use specifically for your home practice and another for the studio. If you prefer an at-home yoga practice, size and portability are not going to be an important factor to consider (see our previous post for the benefits of having a home yoga practice). In this instance, you’ll want to focus on padding and safety; size and weight will not matter as much. If you strictly practice out of a studio or somewhere outside of your home, size and portability are important considerations.

Before making a purchase, consider the type of yoga you will be practicing. If you will be focusing on yin and restorative classes where there will be less movement and weight-bearing poses, you may want something slightly thicker and more padded. Slip prevention is not as crucial. On the flip side, if you will be doing more Power Yoga, Bikram, or Hot Yoga classes where you are working up a sweat, be sure to choose a non-slip mat for good traction.

Also, if you are concerned about the length or width of your mat or just generally prefer a longer/wider mat, you may want to consider a longer length mat.

    ***Pogamat Wanted To Make Yoga Mats Available To Everyone Of All Sizes So They Made Them Extra Long And Extra Wide

Finally, wouldn’t it make more sense to make a one-time investment up-front and get a sturdy, premium yoga mat? Instead, buying cheap means your mat is more likely to wear out quickly or rip within months (or less). You end up purchasing multiple mats within a short amount of time and spending just as much as if you had made the initial investment up front. It makes more sense to bite the bullet and pay the extra money up front. Remember, you get what you pay for. After all, yoga is great because there aren’t many other equipment costs, unless of course you also want to sport the trendiest  clothing. Hey, we’re not judging!

*** Pogamat offers a lifetime warranty on yoga and exercise mats against manufacturers defects in materials and craftsmanship. They stand behind the quality of their products and will replace your mat free of charge.

With all that in mind, let’s look at Pogamat’s products and see why their quality is second to none…

Pogamat XL Yoga Mat Memory Foam ComfortPogamat Yoga Mat Options

XL cardio mat and XXL cardio mat :

The XL mat is single person mat that is made extra long and extra wide. The XXL cardio mat is fantastic if you’ll be practicing with a family member, friend or even your furry companion! These mats are fantastic for an at-home yoga practice, depending on how much space you have. They offer undeniable quality with their high density, anti-tear, slip resistant material. It is truly the sturdiest mat I’ve come across and is coined as a cardio mat for its extreme durability. You can even wear shoes and work out without damaging the mat!

This mat is everything when it comes to being able to completely hone in on your practice. You can focus your mind on getting all the benefits out of a pose because you aren’t worrying about slippage. You will almost immediately notice your practice getting stronger and your ability to hold poses for longer periods of time. Something to keep in mind is that these mats are quite heavy, weighing 8.5lbs for XL and 17lbs for XXL. This is why it is extremely durable but might not be ideal if you’re commuting to work with your mat. It’s also not as soft and cushy as Pogamat’s alternative mat options, so let’s take a look at those….

XL yoga mat and XXL yoga mat :

Pogamat’s yoga options also offer individual mats or the larger option for more space or working out with a partner. The Pogamat XL yoga mat is the most comfortable memory foam mat that you will ever use. It is soft and padded without jeopardizing durability and support! The yoga mats feature thick memory foam but stays within the desired level of thickness at 7mm (just over a 1/4″). They offer just the right amount of cushion without sacrificing balance. This mat offers incredible comfort & support to keep your body healthy and injury free. It also offers a two sided surface; the top consists of a soft texture for added comfort, extra grip and cushioning to protect your joints. The bottom features a large honeycomb groove anti-slip pad for grip and comfort.

There are the many things to соnѕidеr bеfоrе buying a yoga mat that suits your needs. At the end of the day, you want yoga to leave you feeling rejuvenated in both the body and mind. Be sure to check out Pogamat for a reliable mat that will go above and beyond your expectations.

Need Marathon Motivation? Why We Should All Sign Up for a Race

Hey there fitness friends and Pogamat peeps!

Recently a friend of mine asked me to do a half marathon with her. Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve been asked but I’ve just never gotten around to it, as lame as that sounds. I politely declined and found any excuse (really just to tell myself) for why I couldn’t do it. I’m not in good enough shape, I don’t have time to train, I’m a terrible runner, I would die (yep, I agree, that last one is pretty dramatic). But truth be told, I’ve always wanted to achieve a half marathon, not to mention a full marathon. But seriously, 26.2 miles?! Just the thought of that makes me shudder.

Honestly, I think I’d be pretty disappointed with myself if I never attempted to complete a race in my lifetime. Now, those excuses I ran through? Well, there may be some truth to them! My body is in pretty good shape but I owe a lot of that to good genes. Every time I do a strenuous hike I realize just how out of shape I really am. I have sports induced asthma which is not helped by the higher elevation I live in and yes, life does tend to get pretty busy for all of us. But I truly believe that if I set my mind to completing a race, I know I could do it. So let’s jump in together and explore the ins and outs of why we should consider a half/full marathon, how to train for it, workouts to do in conjunction with training for your run and where/how to give ourselves that extra incentive boost!

Why Should you Run a Marathon?Woman running in marathon race

Personally, running is not my favorite thing in the world. In fact, I pretty much dread it. Though I will say, I almost always feel really great after a run; fit, reenergized and accomplished. Growing up, I was very familiar with running. I played soccer all my life and between my club and high school teams, we ran a whole lot. It was nothing new to me and every time I get into a  workout “kick”, I will always turn to running first. But honestly, I’m not a very good runner, at least at this point in my life. I have slow run times, get winded within my first mile and I can feel it in my whole body. Despite these reactions, I know that over time and with persistent workouts, my body would acclimate and ultimately become accustomed to running again.

The idea of signing up for a run might seem daunting. So why do it?! Well, aside from all of these mind-blowing facts (and more importantly, the benefits) listed in this article titled, 45 Mind Numbing Facts, Figures and Statistics About Running . I think the one that stood out to me was this: Running is an excellent way to become healthy but it can also boost your productivity and increase creativity. Also, because preparing for a run requires planning, discipline, dedication and perseverance, it can help boost improvement in those areas, as well as overall character. While I love the message here and it give me some encouragement that maybe this really will benefit me, let’s break this down for real.

Personally, I tend to need something more tangible to work toward or some specific guidance when I work out, otherwise, I have no idea what to do with myself. I tend to need to workout in a class environment or with a group of some kind or have a specific and tangible goal that I am working toward in order to be able to track my progress. In case you missed it, check out our post on How to Reach Your Health Goals in 5 Easy Steps . This idea of setting a clearly defined goal would fall under Step #3 of the goal-setting process: Get Specific using the S.M.A.R.T. method. For running a race, it would look something like this:

  1. Specific – I will complete a marathon (26.2 miles)
  2. Measurable – in a time of 4 hours and 15 minutes
  3. Action oriented – Begin training for race by following a marathon training guide (see below).
  4. Realistic– Achieve a time of ____.
  5. Time or deadline oriented– This would be the date of your race!
People sign up for races for different reasons. These might include: running to compete, to get into shape, for the satisfaction of completing something major,  to build discipline, to create a commitment to something new in your life, to reap psychological benefits in an effort to ground oneself, and the list goes on. All of these result in a sense of pride and personal achievement once you complete the event on race day.

Training for a Marathon

The first question that came to my mind when I began to give serious consideration to signing up for a half marathon was, how far in advance do I need to begin training? Logically, I know that it would probably help to just be a consistent runner throughout the year, but that just isn’t the case for me. Essentially, I would be starting from scratch. According to Runner’s World, in order get through your race injury-free, they recommend 16 weeks to train for a marathon and at least 10 weeks (ideally 14) to train for a half marathon.


There are tons of training plans out there but I would recommend this one from Runnner’s World because you can customize the plan to fit your unique situation and goals (i.e. you are a beginner, intermediate, advanced, trying to break a specific time, etc.).


In conjunction with your running training, it is also wise to incorporate a workout throughout the week that will focus on strength training, core, stretching and plyometrics. Check out this pretty straightforward routine just to give some different muscles attention and focus on certain areas that are also crucial to aiding your in running goals.


Marathon Supplemental Training Plank PoseInstructions: Grab your Pogamat and try this series of exercises you can do right in the comfort of your own home. You should do 12 reps of each exercise in order, rest for around 20-30 seconds after each set, and go through the series 3 times.
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Press Ups (knee assist- easiest, incline- medium, full push up- hardest)
  • Lunges (12 on each leg)
  • Dips
  • Plank (held for as long as possible)
Another great at-home option is the ChaLEAN Extreme workout DVD.

Incentive to Run a Marathon 

Sure, your local town or state might have a bunch of options for 5k’s, half marathons or the whole 26.2. But guys, marathons, half marathons and various races occur every single weekend all over the world! If you need to, give yourself some extra incentive to run! If that means booking a trip to a new place that has been on your bucket list to travel to, do it! Make that your motivating factor; your incentive; your reward! It makes the sweat, pain, hours of training and hard work totally worth it because, guess what, you’re going to be on vacation after you complete this thing! Heck yes, I’m giving you permission to sign up for a run in another state, or perhaps even a different country!

One quick but important tip in choosing a new place to run, however, is to be sure that you keep in mind the need to prepare for a race in a different climate. There are ways that you can prepare for this and honestly, some of these things are actually quite fascinating and fun (like taking hot yoga classes to prep for a hot race in the cold or spend some time in a sauna to get the feel for humidity if you live in a dry climate). Check out this article on, “How to Prepare for a Race in a Different Climate”. It includes what you should do both before and during your race and touches on the following topics:

  • How to prepare for a hot race in the cold
  • How to prepare for a cold race in the heat
  • How to prepare for a humid race in dry heat
  • How to train for a dry-heat race in the humidity

Runner-marathon- man running

So you catch my drift, just be aware of where you will be running and take the necessary steps to plan accordingly, both mentally and physically preparing yourself.

Check out these links for some of the best half and full marathons destinations and start to get an idea of where you might want to go! Right now would be the perfect time to start looking in to and preparing for a race in 2018.

Ok, so are you starting to see how why running a race might be worth all the hard work and dedication? The benefits are plentiful and it sounds like this journey could actually be (I can’t believe I’m going to say it)…. fun!!! It’s inevitable. Now we just need to find our race and take the plunge!

How to Lose Belly Fat and Reasons You May be Struggling

YOU. GUYS. If you haven’t checkout out the new Pogamat Yoga Mat (84″ X 27″ x 7mm thick) yet, this anti-tear, non-slip exercise mat is extra wide, extra long (7 ft to be exact) and is made of memory foam. Put it on your wishlist or buy it today! You are going to love it! Okay, on to the article!

You know that belly fat that we all know and love?! Sigh. Yes, me too. A few weeks ago, my friend and I got talking about our “problem” areas in our bodies. It was by no means a slam session on our selves. Quite the contrary, in fact. As we analyzed our fitness regimens and discussed our personal desired results but what weren’t necessarily seeing, we realized something. For her, she said the first thing to tone up in her body was her stomach. She said it takes a lot of hard work but if she keeps up a regular workout routine and a healthy eating diet, her stomach is the first noticeable thing to tone up. Jealous, right?!

I, on the other hand, have a much harder time with getting rid of belly fat and despite working out and eating well, I instead see much more positive results in my arms and legs. It was really eye-opening to me to learn that my friend lost weight easily in her stomach area. All this time, I assumed that everyone had the same trouble getting rid of that excess “tummy pooch”. So it got me thinking, why is it that we are so different and what is it that I can do about getting my stomach to where I want it to be… flat and toned (because who doesn’t want to get there?!).

I decided to do some research to explore the following:

– Why belly fat won’t go away despite our best attempts

– Understanding what belly fat is and are some people more susceptible to it?

– Different reasons why we have belly fat

Why Belly Fat Won’t go Away Despite Our Best Attempts

First things first, it is important to note, my friend who I mentioned above… she’s a rare case. As it turns out, belly fat is harder to lose than fat in other areas of your body which is why you’ve probably noticed that your upper body tones up first when you begin dieting and working out and your belly doesn’t seem to budge. The physiology behind this is pretty complex (but basically boils down to the ratio between beta- and alpha-receptors is heavily weighted toward alpha which hinder the release of energy from fat stores into the blood). Just know that you are not alone!

You do an endless amount of situps and ab-toning exercises to no avail? Well, that’s right, there is no way to spot-reduce fat in one area (and this applies to all areas in the body). To lose fat in one area, you must lose it ALL over. Then you can tone and strengthen certain target areas. So, when you gradually reduce your overall body fat percentage, only then will you begin to lose belly fat. Michael Matthews of says that one must maintain a moderately aggressive calorie deficit, balance your macronutrient intake, use weightlifting to preserve (and even build) muscle while you lose fat, and you’ll eventually have the six-pack stomach.

Understand What Belly Fat is and Are Some People More Susceptible to itHow to Lose Belly fat

The medical term for unhealthy fat in the belly is “visceral fat,” which refers to fat deposits deep in the belly area surrounding the liver and other organs in your abdomen. Also known as abdominal fat, it acts like an organ itself, secreting hormones, immune-system chemicals and other compounds that can profoundly influence the body’s functioning.

A 2016 article stated that genetics does play a large factor when it comes to excess weight in the stomach. Studies of twins and families show that the amount of ab fat each person carries is inherited. Roughly 30 to 70 percent of the total variation in waist size from person to person is attributable to genetics and apple-shaped physiques are more likely to be passed down than other body types. There are 49 genes that affect body weight and 19 of these genes have a stronger effect in women, which suggests that genes may be influenced by hormones. What’s good to note is that this genetic predisposition does not make losing the belly fat impossible (though it may be a bit harder). If you are willing to do the work, you can move past genetics and lose it once and for all!

Aside from genetics playing a factor, many normal-weight people have excess belly fat. So what’s the reason? Well, there are many different factors that can make you gain weight in your stomach. While there are a few you can’t control, there are many factors you can affect that would help in this area, which leads me to my next topic….

Different Reasons Why We Have Belly Fat

The following are some of the contributing factors as to why you might be experiencing extra cushioning near your waistline:


This is a big one with several components…

  1. Unhealthy Eating: Frequently consuming foods and beverages high in sugar or high-fructose corn syrup may cause belly fat gain. Poor eating habits in general can make it even tougher to shed weight. Researchers think that high percentages of ab fat may interfere with hunger and satiety messages sent to the brain, which can lead to overindulging.
  2. Consuming too many processed foods: refined grains and sugars increase inflammation in our bodies. Belly fat is associated with inflammation, so eating too many processed foods will hinder your ability to lose belly fat. Natural foods, on the other hand(think fruits, vegetables, and whole grains), are full of antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties and may actually prevent belly fat.
  3. Consuming too many fats or the wrong kind of fats. A high intake of saturated fat (found in meat and dairy) increase visceral fat while monounsaturated fats (plant-based liquid oils) and specific types of polyunsaturated fats (found in foods high in Omega-3s such as walnuts, sunflower seeds, and fish) have anti-inflammatory effects in the body, and if eaten in proper portions may do your body good. Just be conscious to enjoy these healthy fats in moderation.


According to a article, both men and women experience a declining metabolic rate (the number of calories the body needs to function normally) as they age. Also important to note, in menopause, production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone slows down while testosterone levels also start to drop, but at a slower rate. This shift in hormones causes women to hold onto weight in their bellies.


A 16-year study by the American Journal of Epidemiology conducted with nearly 70,000 women found that there was a 30% higher chance of gaining 30 or more pounds when only sleeping five hours or less a night than women who got 7 hours. In both men and women, getting 7-8 hours for an optimal amount of sleep had less chance of sleep-related weight gain.


The reality is that cardio workouts alone won’t do much for your waist and rather, you need a combination of weight training and cardio to see any noticeable changes in your body. Strength training increases muscle mass, which sets your body up to burn more fat because it burns more calories. Putting on muscle all over your body, even if it’s just a small amount, will speed up metabolism and get your body burning more calories, even while at rest.


According to a research article on, having an imbalance of gut bacteria may promote weight gain, including tummy fat. The bacteria in your gut are important for maintaining a healthy immune system and avoiding disease. An imbalance in gut bacteria increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other diseases. If there is a chance that you are prediabetic or diabetic, this can contribute to this, as well.

Something else to consider, if your testosterone levels are high—something that can occur with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)—you might have difficulty losing weight. Ultimately, health and weight go hand in hand so making sure you are in good health in all areas of life can get you on track for losing weight where and when you want to.


The stress hormone cortisol increases the amount of fat your body clings to and enlarge your fat cells. Higher levels of cortisol have been linked to more visceral fat. It also makes you more apt to reach for high-fat, high-calorie foods when you’re stressed.


Many experts agree that chang­ing your routine and going at it harder may be the key to finally losing your gut.

The bottom line is that reducing belly fat takes a combination approach of a low-calorie diet (high in fiber and low in carbs and sugar) along with cardiovascular and weight training. Take a look at your health and fitness regimen and other factors and determine where you might be able to make some changes. It could be one or, more likely, a combination of these things that is contributing to your tummy troubles. Feel good in knowing that with some hard work and some tweaks to your routine, you can get those washboard abs you always dreamed of!

Exercises to do at Work to Improve Health

at work exercises for people who work at a computer deskEver notice that when you are at work you get so wrapped up in what it is you are doing that you haven’t moved, sometimes for hours on end? It’s easy to forget to get up, move around, stretch or take mental breaks when you are focusing on your work. Maybe you don’t even realize the importance of doing this! Continuing this unhealthy pattern for days, you may start to get tension headaches, have chronic back pain, experience carpal tunnel, suffer from a mid-day slump and/or have trouble sleeping at night.

Maybe the side effects are not as pronounced, but whether you realize it or not, the effects of sitting for prolonged periods of time can have very negative effects on the body. According to Men’s Journal magazine in an article written by Lisa Marshall titled “Sitting: The Most Unhealthy Thing You Can Do.”, several health dangers were associated with sitting at length. Those dangers include slower blood flow (resulting in clumping of red blood cells in the legs); up to a 20% drop in “good” cholesterol; heart disease risk of up to two and half times greater than average; a rise in chronic inflammation; and a doubling of the risk of diabetes.

We know what you might be thinking, this doesn’t apply to you because you are in impeccable physical condition and you exercise every day. You might even be a marathon runner, a yoga teacher or a fitness trainer. Still, if you are sitting for long periods each day without getting up and including some level of activity between sits, you are putting yourself are at risk no matter how much you exercise earlier or later in the day.

Trends Related to Exercising at Work

You may have noticed the increased trend of stand up desks or that your iWatch (or other activity tracker) came equipped with an Activity app that includes a “stand ring” which shows the hours in which you’ve stood up and moved for at least a minute at a time. It also alerts you when you should be standing and gives you your daily “stand” goals to achieve. Items like these have gained in popularity as more studies have shown how imperative it is to our health to avoid stagnancy for lengthy periods of time.

at work exercise working Woman with pogamatThe goal is to figure out non-intrusive ways to achieve bringing intervals of activity into your work day. The results you will see are increases in productivity, focus, concentration, ability to make better decisions, reduced stress levels, a boost of energy, better time management and improved mental sharpness AND help you avoid all the health dangers associated with a sedentary lifestyle. The benefits will make the efforts well worth it! The below suggestions will vary for everyone depending on what you do and the flexibility in your schedule. It is also important to note that these options may not work out every day, particularly if you have a very swamped work week or are traveling, etc.

One suggestion is to bring your Pogamat (check our newest lightweight version for a more portable option!) to work with you. This way you can stretch and fit mini workout sessions in throughout the day. Try setting a timer on your phone or an app that will send you reminders to get you moving at least once every hour. The bonus to bringing your gear with you to work is that you can head right to the gym on your way home from work. This avoids the temptation to skip a workout because if you have to stop home to get changed and get your gear, you are more likely to find yourself napping in that nice comfy-looking bed or lounging in front of the television.

A List of Exercises to do at Work


Suppose you work in a cubicle with little to no privacy. You can’t exactly pull out a yoga mat and get yoga-ing. If you have no shame and just want to go for it… by all means, go for it! But in certain work environments, this will simply not fly. Here are a few ideas that will allow you to be discrete enough to get in that physical activity right from your desk chair.
  • Do work standing up
    • If you are able to have your computer raised up or can do other work standing up, this is a great option. We understand, for most, this may not be an option. If at all possible though, do some work while on your feet to get the blood circulating.
  • Sit on something wobbly
    • If possible, try substituting your regular desk chair for an exercise ball or a backless stool to strengthen and put your core muscles to work. Sit up straight and keep your feet flat on the floor in front of you.
  • Release neck/shoulder tensionExercises to do at Work
    • Inhale deeply and shrug your shoulders. Shrug your shoulders up to your ears and hold them there, then release them down your back drawing your shoulder blades together. Repeat five times.
    • Shake your head slowly, yes and no. Complete a few rounds of neck circles (clockwise and counter clockwise).
  • Perform torso twists
    • Inhale and lengthen the spine (maybe even reach your arms up toward the ceiling).
    • Exhale turning your body to the right, grabbing the back of your chair with your right hand and the arm of the chair with your left. Try on left side and repeat a few times on each side.
  • Stand up and sit down repeatedly without using your hands
    • Using your core muscles, stand and sit as many times as you can in a 60 second session (stay as controlled as you can).
  •  Leg extensions
    • Sitting in your chair, extend your legs straight out in front of you. Working your abs and legs flex and point your toes five times. Release.
    •  Extend your legs back out and try crunching your legs in and out for a few rounds.

Secluded Workspace:

If your office environment offers a bit more flexibility where you can close your office door, use an unoccupied area or get active in an in-office gym, spread your Pogamat on the floor and get to work. Until you are able to complete your full workout later in the day, try your own quick yoga flow (perhaps a round of Sun salutations) or some of our suggested stretches and exercises below:
  • Forward fold
    • Take 8 to 10 breaths by folding forward at your hips and letting your arms and head hang heavy.
    • This will loosen up your tight hamstrings which will offer a release to the low back muscles.
  • Child’s poseat work exercises Woman in plank pose yoga stretch on mat
    • From table pose, exhale and lower the hips to the heels and forehead to the floor. Have the knees together or if more comfortable, spread your knees wide.
    • While in this pose, try bringing your palms together and drawing them to rest on the back of your neck, hugging your elbows in toward your ears for a deep stretch through the shoulders and triceps.
  • Downward dog
    • Start in table-top position on your hands and knees with your knees directly below your hips and your hands slightly forward of your shoulders.
    • Spread your fingers wide, index fingers parallel or slightly turned out, and tuck your toes under.
    • Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor, lifting your hips high and back to flatten out the spine.
    • Hold for five deep breaths, spiraling your biceps inward toward your ears.
  • Cat/Cow Pose
    • A great flow to warm up your spinal cord done by resting your hands and knees in table top pose and moving the spine up and down to improve extension and flexion in your back.
  • Wall Sits
    • Standing with your back against the wall, bend the knees and slide your back down the wall until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold here for 30-60 seconds. To up-level from here, try crossing the right ankle over the left knee, hold for 15 seconds then switch sides.
  • Squat Variations
    • Stand with your feet together and bend your knees so that your thighs are almost parallel to the ground, as if sitting in a chair. As you bend, raise the arms straight up or directly in front of you. Keep the knees together and aligned. Hold for 15 seconds and release, repeating 5 times.
  • Arm Flaps
    • Stand with your arms by your sides and palms facing behind, pulse the arms backward keeping them long and lengthened for 10-15 seconds. Release and shake out your arms before repeating 10-15 times!
  • Abdominal Exercises 
    • Any abdominal exercise from traditional sit ups to abdominal holds to bicycle crunches are a great way to break up your day and a quick and easy exercise to do.

Other Quick at Work Exercise Tips:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • When you hit a (work) wall, go for a short walk, even if it’s just around your office building
  • Replace emailing or messaging your coworker for getting up and speaking with them face-to-face.
  • Leave for lunch and get out of the office (with your pre-packed, meal-prepped, healthy lunch, of course!)

If you choose to perform one of these exercises each time your alarm goes off during your work day, you will begin to feel the positive effects within a month! All it takes is being mindful of the movement in your day and it could help improve immediate pains and prevent major health conditions down the road!

What are some of the exercises, stretches or tips you implement to stay active during your workday?!

Best Meal Prep Storage Containers 

Meal prepping for weight loss and healthier eating (not to mention the many other benefits it provides as explained in our Benefits to Meal Prep blog post) has been gaining in popularity over the past couple years. And the foundation of meal prepping… good storage containers! How you choose to store your meals can make or break your meal prepping efforts especially when working with lots of produce to keep your meals as healthy as possible.

Here is a list of 6 of our favorites:

GlassLock Oven Safe Set 


  • Flaps on the lids are easy to closeGlass meal prep containers
  • Leak-free (and extremely durable surviving counter-height drop tests without breaking)
  • Able to prevent stains and smells from lingering
  • Containers nest with their lids on, so they take up less space in the fridge or kitchen
  • Great at hot or cold temps (microwave, freezer, dishwasher, and oven safe)


  • A little more expensive but worth the cost
  • Glass makes them heavier if bringing on the go

Pyrex Storage Plus 20-Piece Container Set With Color Lids


  • Great priceFood Storage Containers
  • Durable and glass won’t absorb stains or odors
  • Containers nest and stack for convenient storage
  • Freezer, microwave, oven and dishwasher


  • Heavier material
  • Less portable

Snapware Total Solution Plastic Food Storage


  • BPA-free polypropylene containers and lidsMeal Prep Containers
  • Microwave, top-rack dishwasher, and freezer safe
  • Containers are stackable and lids can be used on Snapware’s glass or plastic containers
  • Snap Lock Lids are airtight and leak-proof for secure storage
  • Lifetime Warranty


  • Difficult to snap lid on
  • Rubber Seal can move

Airtight Storage Container Set


  • Sleek designMeal Prep Storage Containers
  • Airtight seal, leak-proof design
  • Freezer and oven safe


  • n/a

Stasher Bags 


  • Innovative air-tight, pinch-press seal to keep food freshMeal Prep Storage Baggies
  • ideal storage for on-the-go eating
  • 100% pure platinum food-grade silicone
  • Safe for the freezer, microwave, dishwasher and boiling water
  • Bags contain no petroleum, no PVC, and no latex


  • Small size
  • Thin material, more susceptible to rips

Ball Wide Mouth 16 oz. Glass Mason Jars


  • Refrigerate up to 3 weeks, freeze up to 1 year, fresh preserve and store up to 1 yearMeal Prep Mason Jars
  • Organized
  • Spill-proof
  • Great for breakfast and salads


  • Size may be too small for some- check out various size options

The Benefits of Meal Prepping Including a How-To Guide and Quick Tips

Hey Pogi! We hope you are enjoying summer! Check out our newest Pogamat product– a lightweight, large yoga mat! Heck yes!

Ever feel like you’ve gotten into an unhealthy eating routine and you have every intention of getting out of that rut but don’t know quite where to start? Well, we feel ya! This is particularly common when it comes to the work week because our lives have so many demands and, all too often our health (particularly eating healthy) gets pushed to the “back of the plate”. At work it can be easy to get so wrapped up in what we are doing or striving to meet deadlines that when we finally get a break, we put checking things off of our to-do list at the forefront (such as paying bills or scheduling that doctor’s appointment we have been putting off). We feel we “don’t have time” to eat and then we push on with our work.

Before we know it, it’s 2 p.m. and we haven’t had a single thing to eat today. Your stomach is rumbling so loud it has your coworkers looking out the window for storm clouds! With no meal planned out and growling belly, the most convenient option is to head downstairs to the food court in your office building. Or what’s that? There’s a Panera right next door? Perfect! Until that becomes a habit (sorry Panera!) that leads to us consuming too many calories and spending lots of unnecessary money! Cringe.

Enter the meal prepping solution. Meal prep food container

What is meal prepping, you ask? Meal Prepping, quite simply, is preparing some, or all of your meals ahead of time. Meal prepping takes the guess work and stress out of figuring out what you are going to eat each day and allows you to prep a week’s worth of meals in one or two session per week with healthier and unprocessed ingredients.

Like anything else, meal prepping can initially feel daunting because it seems like a lot of work. That being said, once you develop a system and strategies week after week, it will become easy and save you so much time in the long run! We’re going to give you the tips and tricks necessary to get you started and have you well on your way to meal prepping on the reg! Implementing it into your routine will not only help you eat healthier but offers a whole host of other benefits. Let’s dive in to see what those are!

The Benefits of Meal Prepping

  1. Saves You Money (who doesn’t love that?!

Meal prepping will save you money by being able to buy things in bulk and take advantage of your fridge/freezer. When meal prepping, you can buy larger volumes of food because you are prepping it for the whole week.

  1. Saves You Time

When you don’t meal prep, each day require you to mentally prepare to cook, search for recipes, go to the store, prep and cook your food and clean up the mess. When you prep, you get it all done at once. Planning ahead allows you to cook things in bulk and freeze for a future meal or make extra of a protein to use in meals throughout the week.

  1. You Will Eat Healthier

Consuming a nutrient rich, real-food diet is crucial to one’s health health, but it isn’t easy because it requires advance planning. Meal planning lets you decide, before even going grocery shopping, what healthy meals you want to prepare for the week. This allows you to think about it, avoiding impulse buys and helps ensure that you purchase healthy foods while knowing exactly how they will be used. If you stick to your list, this will help in moments of weakness because you can’t eat something that you don’t have on hand!

  1. Less Food Wasted

With meal planning, you know how all food will be used for each meal prior to ever purchasing it. A weekly meal prep plan will implement leftovers so that food is rarely wasted. If you feel you bought more than you need to use, freeze what you don’t need until next week!Meal prepping- Salad

  1. Less Stress

When you plan ahead, there is less chance for unexpected surprises, plus you still have time to do things like workout, spend time with your family and relax after work that you wouldn’t have otherwise had if you were stressing over what to make. Also, meal prepping for breakfast and lunch lets you eat in a healthy manner (because we all know that breakfast, and sometimes even lunch, gets forgotten about when you are busy at work) at appropriate times without any thought! Having a written plan takes the uncertainty and stress out daily meal decisions and overall.

  1. You Will Learn Portion Control

When you prep your food in advance, it’s a sure way of knowing exactly what you are consuming. When we don’t meal prep, it’s easy to just make the whole box of pasta and load up your plate, eating until you are full. By paying attention to your food when cooking, you will gain insight into what a true portion of food is and the more accustomed to it you become, the less likely you will be to overeat. We would recommend investing in a kitchen scale such as the Etekcity Digital Kitchen Food Scale for getting portion sizes right. Also, by having to divide and store meals, you are limited on how much you can put into each container.

  1. Adds Variety

When you don’t plan in advance you are more likely to revisit your go-to meals that are tried and true but also have become a bit monotonous. Meal planning allows you to ensure variety and avoid falling in to the trap of eating the same meal every couple of days. Even if, for example, you use chicken as your protein for one week, you can use different spices, helps or marinades to help change it up from day to day!

Getting Organized

First, figure out what you need:

  • Meal Prep SuppliesInvest in some good storage containers that will keep your food fresh and, if needed, allow you to transport the food to work without spills (see our bonus blog post with the best storage container options, their pros/cons and links to purchase).
  • Buy a food scale (see above)- this isn’t a necessity but if you are concerned with using the appropriate portion size, this is a strong recommendation
  • Consider using a meal planner journal. Sometimes writing things down makes it easier to get your thoughts in order and stick to something. There are a variety of meal planner options.
  • Other: Sharp knives, cutting boards or mats, measuring spoons and cups, spices and oils.
  • Start looking for recipes specific to meal prepping that appeal to you and create a place where you keep everything together and organized (like using a Pinterest board). This way, everything is in one place and you don’t have to search every week.

Steps Involved in Meal Prepping

  1. Pick a designated day to meal prep for the week.

Many people choose to meal prep on Sunday or will split it up and prep three days worth on Sunday and the rest of the week on Wednesday. This is up to you to decide what works best for you.

  1. Plan Your Menu

Decide what you’re going to make and how much you’ll need for the week (or however long you’re prepping for). Some beginner tips:

  • If you feel overwhelmed, start small (see our blog post on goal setting to read more on this). Try prepping one specific meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) to begin with. As you start to get the hang of it, add more as you like. If you never have time for lunch, maybe start by meal prepping lunches for the week. If you dread coming home and not knowing what you’re going to do for dinner, may start with dinner. Find what works best for your specific needs and build off of that!
  • Choose one major protein for each week, to begin. Then, choose a variety of different vegetables so that you can switch up the accompanying sides each day and things don’t get too repetitive.
  • Once you choose a protein, vary it up each day by simply using different spices, herbs and marinades when cooking your protein.Meal prep chopping
  1. Create a grocery list (and stick to it!) and go grocery shopping
  2. Prep for cooking
  • Line your pans with foil and begin chopping. If you are using a crock pot, use a liner and turn it on now. Roast veggies first (all together) while other things are cooking on the stove. Save baking for last while everything else is cooking. Over time, you’ll find your own routine that works best for you!
  1. Divide food into separate food storage containers for every meal
  2. Put containers in the fridge or freezer
  3. Pat yourself on the back (Now wasn’t that easy?!)

Other Quick (and Important) Tips

  • Be mindful of moisture. If your produce is still wet when you are storing, place a paper towel in the container to remove excess moisture.
  • Portion out fruits and vegetables into small baggies or containers and grab and go.
  • Place fruit, spinach and protein powder and other ingredients into a storage container ready for blending into a shake.
  • If you do want to prepare vegetables fresh at each mean, at least have them washed and chopped and set to make.
  • Keep individual hummus, guacamole, peanut butter or ranch snack cups readily available for a fast and easy snacks.
  • For breakfast and lunch, keep it simple to start. Try mason jar salads and parfaits, raw veggies with hummus, fresh fruit, nuts, granola or granola bars, premade muffins (freeze), hard boiled eggs, etc.

So tell us, what are some of your favorite foods to make when meal prepping?

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